Clean Fuel for Athletes

Foxhound was created for professional and recreational athletes looking for a clean, natural and effective product to boost their training.

We are trusted by athletes and coaches in a number of sports: Running, Cross Fit, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, MMA, weight training and more!

All-in-One Performance Formula

Foxhound reformulated it's formula to a more efficient All-in-One formula. Our drink mix is designed for performance and casual athletes. We use natural, clean ingredients in a tasty orange citrus blend.

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  • "No jitters, clean energy and the recovery enhancements are so needed."

    Denney Choi, Owner of Baem BJJ

  • "Really like that it uses natural ingredients like turmeric, which helps recovery. A must-have at fight camps."

    -George Francis, Fighters Rep Owner

  • Drink during training, strength and conditioning and sparring. Replenish yourself to dig deep and sustain energy during those later rounds.

    -Josh Wang Kim, MMA Athlete